The Client List 2x13

Whatever It Takes

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  • HQQ🥇LAT - 720HD
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Riley and the spa staff volunteer at a charity golf tournament supporting the troops. When Riley runs into her client Judge Overton aka Mr. Louboutin, she discovers he is spearheading a task force that could put her and the Rub in serious jeopardy.Meanwhile, with Kyle back home, Travis tricks him into hosting a sleepover. Dale and Lacey step in to help, thinking it will be good parenting practice now that they are considering adoption. When an alarm from the security system at the spa goes off, Derek and Riley go to check on things and find an unwelcome surprise.
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40m 2013 10.616 lecturas

The Client List
Imagen LATLAT720HD
Imagen LATLAT1080HD
Imagen LATLAT1080HD
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
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